Meeting 19th June 2007

Present: W McPadden, R Morrison, J Parkhill, W Mallan

Minutes Approved: 15-May-07

Guests: Sgt J Gorman

Apologises: J Walker

Proposed: W Mallan

Seconded: J Parkhill

1. Many issues were discussed with Sgt Gorman, problems with Elder Crescent, Youth disorder, vandalism and a drinking problem at History corner. J Parkhill also discussed the problems at the Persimmon play area and Sgt Gorman had been informed by one of his officers that this issue had been dealt with, but unfortunately it had not. He agreed to investigate this issue. Mr Mallan also asked about the problems behind the First Glass Pub and was informed that the Police knew about this and where patrolling it on a regular basis. Sgt Gorman also informed us that although Drumsagard Village has some anti solcial behaviour problems there were no major crime problems. He also informed us that the police were having a major impact on crime and anti social behaviour problems in Halfway Cambuslang and in the las year they had made 506 arrests on a group of youths that numbered no more than 65. They have also had tagging orders on some and some had been imprisoned. He also stressted that it was up to the residents to report all crimes and anti social behaviour at all times as this helps the police to pinpoint areas were they are needed the most and although the residents may not see an officer attend a disturbance at the time there is still a record of it and this would help all agencies pull there resources for the benefit of the residents. Sgt Gorman also informed the committee that at present he has one extra community officer on secondment and that the other community officers are not moving to other posts although this does not mean that this will not happen in the future. The committee thanked Sgt Gorman for his attendance at this meeting.
2. The committee were disappointed that none of the newly elected councillors for the area had attended the meeting although they all had been invited.

Chairperson: Mr J Walker

Secretary: Mr W McPadden