
The land that Drumsgard Village is built on is steeped in history it is a great place to live with many amenities, great transport links and close by to many parks, schools and play areas. We want Drumsgard to improve year on year and this can only happen through our community. Please support local events, the residents association and most of all your community. Use our local shops, businesses and tradesmen to help our community thrive.

Join the “No point moaning, do something about it Brigade”.

Too often we have a moan about things that aren’t right in and around where we live and don’t do anything about it. The Drumsagard Village Residents Association was founded in 2001 for just that reason and now has a formidable reputation for getting things done.

Our last A.G.M. in June attracted only 60 souls from a population of around 5,000, which is a real disappointment. However from that meeting we now have a committee of 8 from estates throughout the development.

If you feel things could be better in Drumsagard why not come and join us, the more members we have the stronger we will be and the more we could do. It’s not all doom and gloom stuff, we have a laugh as well, like social networking, kinda.

Let’s make Drumsagard a great place to live, let’s have a development we can be proud of and the envy of others.

So, stop moaning, join your fellow residents and make a difference.