The association was formed at a public meeting attended by some 300 residents on the 14th June 2001 in order to promote the interests of residents in Drumsagard Village. One of the main concerns was the lack of play facilities for young adults in the provision of off street kick pitches and play areas; also landscaping, which was being sadly neglected at that time. Over the intervening years we have worked non stop in our efforts to provide play space and we hope to unveil our plans in the very near future. Landscaping is now much improved but only because of the associations close contact with planners and land managers to the present date. Sadly over the years committee numbers have dropped considerably putting a fair burden on the remaining numbers who have stuck steadfastly to the cause.
The committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month and we would warmly welcome anyone who would like to join us in our efforts to make a difference in our development.